Our Starbaby becomes our Starchild

Gemma turned three this week!! She’s still so sparkling, judgemental, suspicious, loving, stern, silly, and full of so many other contradictions. She knows all her letters, loves drawing COVID germs (they’re just her natural style), and will tell you over and again what chapter she’s reading in a picture book. If she’s learned anything from […]

Couch acrobatics

Most parents who read aloud to their children know this picture. I’m not sure why, but running and flipping onto the couch as soon as it’s time to “cuddle up” for a story is an unbreakable routine. Actually, cuddling rarely happens. Reading aloud is mostly made up of just heads and legs in odd and […]

What comes of a fever

This one has been under the weather in one way or another for about the past four weeks. Two of those weeks we were in self-isolation. Are we frustrated? Yes. Um… yessssss. Do we trust that it will pass and life will go on? Mostly? Sometimes? Yes, deep down, we believe that, but all over […]

Still dwelling on time flying

Ray’s birthday is right on the heels of Willa’s birthday. It’s hard on this Mama’s heart to have two littles leap up a year at the same time. I know it’s not actually leaping. But it feels like it sometimes. Ray is now 8. Eight. Huh. I thought it might look less “big girl” written […]

They said it flies

Surely it was just yesterday she was soft and squishy with her rooster hair, barely making a sound and sleeping lots. But no. It was six years ago! And that actually only lasted six months. As we celebrated her birth today, the conversation swung around to her name. It went something like this. “My name, […]