Razor the Cricketer

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It was a beautiful afternoon when the girls and I pulled up to the cricket grounds for Ray’s official cricket season launch. I felt overwhelmed and totally out of my depth, but I feigned full confidence and competence. Inside I was nervy and asking myself why, oh, why did all this kick off while Brian was on a trip?? In the end, I most certainly did not feign confidence as well as I thought. As soon as we were within sight of the small group of men gathered around a barbecue at the shed, one came jogging over to welcome and reassure me. And the reassurances just kept coming with all the information about all the possible things happening that season and what gear Ray would need or not need and so much jargon. I kept repeating that I know nothing about cricket and my husband would be back in two weeks, so please just save the water hose of information for him, but it kept coming. I walked away from the season launch feeling very excited for Ray because these guys were enthusiastic, kind, and so warm towards her. I also felt the alienation that hits at funny times reminding me we’re living overseas. It was impossible to forget that in PNG, but here? Everything looks and smells and feels deceptively similar to the US… until it’s so very not. The whiplash of those moments can be exhausting. Her coach was definitely speaking English, I can confirm that. However, I didn’t understand much of it. My brain felt foggy and muddled afterwards and I couldn’t answer what felt like basic questions from Brian. I’m not sure who was more grateful when Brian came home and picked up Ray’s cricket with enthusiasm (and knowledge); me, her coach, or Ray! That being said, she’s loving every second of it. When Brian’s home he’s working with her in our driveway and has figured out with her coach where to take her to get batting practice around her training sessions. She’s already improved dramatically and we could not be more keen watching her thrive! In the meantime, I can now take some time to learn about cricket and will undoubtedly feel both closer to Ray (Razor, as her coaches call her!) and less of an outsider looking in on Australian life.

As we engage fully with the junior cricketing community in town, we’d appreciate prayers for opportunities to share our faith and church with the coaches and other families.

October 4, 2024 Hannah Living No Comments

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