Tough days

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Brian just landed back in Delaware after a couple of full and fruitful weeks in Dallas. Things in Cairns have been a little tougher. We’ve talked before about how things seem to go awry in pointed ways when Brian is gone, and this has probably been the most obvious example of how that can happen. The first week saw all of us down with a bad cold, but it wasn’t horrible. Then Nutmeg started her big sick and is just not overcoming it. We’ve spent a lot of time cleaning up after her, worrying about her, trying to get her to eat, and taking her to the vet. We would appreciate prayers for her to heal, wisdom about how far to go figuring out what’s wrong, how far to go treating her, and (most especially) prayers for the three little girl hearts intertwined in the outcome of all of this. After some dicey days and one test, the vet is fairly certain she just has food intolerance and/or IBS. She’s continuing to vomit throughout the food detox making it hard to know for sure if that’s the problem. We’ll just have to be patient! Fortunately, she’s not vomiting blood anymore. That makes such a huge difference!

Pray that this last week without Brian would be full of joyful moments for me, Ray, and Gemma; that the new food begins to work for Nutmeg and she gets relief from all the vomiting; and, finally, that Brian and Willa have a wonderful last few days with wholesome goodbyes.


  1. Butch and Luann

    June 9, 2024

    We will pray for God‘s healing on all of you and especially on your sweet pet Nutmeg. We love our two pets, Rusty and Sassy, and understand how devastating it is to see them sick.

    We would love to read an update describing what your responsibilities are in the mission. What is Brian home in the states to do?

    You are in our prayers!🙏🏻✝️

    • Hannah author

      July 1, 2024

      Absolutely!! I put a little bit about the trip in the latest blog, and in our next Mailchimp letter (in about two weeks) I’ll address more of his work trips. I don’t have many responsibilities with PBT per se. Still focusing on homeschooling and volunteering at our church here. My role is transitioning into hospitality as the girls become more independent in their schoolwork. I stay busy making sure the flat downstairs is clean, stocked, and welcoming for the missionaries coming and going. That’s been wonderfully busy and fun!! It’s ever so good to hear from you guys. I miss you!! And, my goodness. Rusty and Sassy are phenomenal puppy names. Love it.

  2. Ruth

    June 11, 2024

    Praying for all and for a good outcome for Nutmeg.

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