Reunions and a furry update

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After ice cream on beach boardwalks, mini-golf, a theatrical production of Daniel, zip-lining with cousins, saving horseshoe crabs from imminent death, horse watching at Assateague Island, taking in “The Magic Flute” at the Shakespeare Theatre… on and on and on… Willa returned. Oh, and so did her Dad!!

Both of them had a brilliant time, but for very different reasons. Willa had a full vacation with loving family, delicious food, and loads of fun. Brian did not have a vacation, but his time in Dallas was fruitful on many levels. He was there for the annual Pioneer Bible international meetings. It started with strategy meetings just for field leadership which flowed into a week of recruitment as new people got to meet leadership from all the different fields. It always ends with a board meeting, and though it’s draining, it’s usually a fulfilling time for him to reconnect with the broader Pioneer Bible organization.

Our last quick blog was about Nutmeg, and though she is far better than she was a month ago, she’s still not well. We’re seeing the vet for the umpteenth time this afternoon and would appreciate prayers. The vet is fairly certain we’re dealing with a combination of food allergies and an extreme sensitivity to an empty stomach. We’re giving her many tiny meals a day (of kangaroo!!) and seeing a difference, but she’s still having problems. I’m so very grateful to have Brian back to help make immediate decisions and shoulder who’s taking her to the vet this time (so the other one can get work and life done!!). Thanks so much for reaching out and caring about our little creature.

Now that Brian’s back home, he’s busy getting life back in order here and soaking in time with Ray and Gemma. He’ll be turning around in a couple of weeks to head up to Madang! I’ll send more about that trip in our Mailchimp update later this month. For now… we’re all just enjoying being a full five again!

One Comment

  1. Ruth

    July 1, 2024

    Glad Willa had such a good time, that Brian is back, and praying for a final solution for Nutmeg. thanks for the update.

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