Coming full circle

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In the last month we have lived the truth of “everything that goes around comes around.” I grew up playing violin and piano, but left those skills behind me along the way. Ray started playing piano in PNG alongside Willa back in 2020 or so, but she very quickly decided it was not for her. As the years passed in PNG, she shifted her attention to violin. I think on some level she knew I played as a child, but it wasn’t information that really stuck. She wanted to play violin because she “watched” family and friends back in America giving it a try, and she loves the way it sounds in the music we listen to. We weren’t fully sure how to proceed, and couldn’t really while we were still in Madang. She was told to just wait and we would reassess once we moved to Australia. After talking and thinking on it for a bit, she finally took the plunge and has now had two official lessons! She’s so delighted that she’s routinely practicing before we dictate that it’s time. The honeymoon period is strong, and we’ll just see how it ebbs and flows moving forward. But for now? It’s rather fun to have a pianist and a violinist in the house bringing all the nostalgia of my childhood to bear on my 40s.

Gemma also had a full circle moment during her time back up in Madang. Of all three kiddos, she has desperately wanted to return. It was such fun for her to surprise her friend for his birthday, but strange in many ways. She hasn’t said much about seeing our old house or meeting up with Mama Cissy at the office. She did tell me that she didn’t recognise Mama Cissy because she looks so old (I see very little difference in the picture)!! I told her a year will do that, and I’m sure Mama Cissy struggled to reconcile the little Gemma she knew with the big Gemma standing in front of her.

Life moves inexorably forward and when we have whiplash moments that bring us directly in contact with something perhaps long forgotten, it can be hard. And good. And exciting. And even new. We’re grateful for such a good trip up to PNG for Brian and Gemma, and a smooth ride for the three of us in Cairns!


  1. richard swanson

    August 6, 2024

    Cherish these moments, they will pass all too quickly.

  2. Ruth

    August 6, 2024

    Glad for you and the girls to have these moments. We are having a full circle too. We have moved 650 miles to be near our daughter, who moved here after graduating from her university 32 years ago and has not had family nearby. We have missed events with our grandchildren now in their upper teens and early 20’s over years. We now can share some of their events in person as well as being near our daughter again. Sharolyn, our daughter is so happy to have us nearby. Thanks for sharing your story and that one of the girls is now playing piano and violin. Also for Gemma’s visit back in PNG. Prayers too.

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